Eesti üritused
6 th International Baltic Congress of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, Vilnius, Lithuania NB! Bussi info Tartus muudatused NB!
Rahvusvahelised üritused
05…09 oktoober 2013 | ESICM LIVES 2013, 26th annual ESICM congress | Paris, France |
26…29 august 2013 | 32nd SSAI congress | Turku, Finland |
01…04 juuni 2013 | Euroanaesthesia 2013 | Barcelona, Spain |
21…23 november 2012 | Difficult Airway Society annual meeting | Cardiff, UK |
18…20 oktoober 2012 | 6th International Baltic Congress of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care | Turku, Finland |
13…17 oktoober 2012 | ESICM LIVES 2012, 25th annual ESICM congress | Lisbon, Portugal |